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Private Acts of 1963 Chapter 131

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Jackson and Putnam be and the same is hereby changed as follows: The tracts of land now owned by Walter Loftis and L. E. Judd lying in the 10th Civil District of Jackson County will now and hereafter be located in the 15th Civil District of Putnam County and said tracts of land consist of approximately 75 acres described as follows:

“Beginning on a small black oak in J. H. Garrison east boundary line; thence north 111 poles to stone in a hollow; thence south 76-1/2 degrees east 51 poles to a stone, Owens corner; thence east 74-2/3 poles to a rock near an old road; thence south 14 poles to a rock near Lee Hicks house; thence south 80 poles to a dogwood; thence west 116 poles to the beginning, containing 75 acres more or less.”

It is the intent and meaning of this Act that the boundary line between Jackson and Putnam Counties be so changed that the above-described lands now owned by Walter Loftis and L. E. Judd lying within Jackson County shall become a part of Putnam County, and included therein as a part of the 15th District of said County.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 12, 1963.