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Private Acts of 1965 Chapter 113

SECTION 1. That the county line between Overton County, Tennessee, and Putnam County, Tennessee, is hereby changed by detaching the lands presently owned by Willard B. Presley and wife, Gilberta Presley from the First Civil District of Overton County, Tennessee, and attaching and making the same a part of the Fifteenth Civil District of Putnam County, Tennessee, which said lands presently lie within the First Civil District of Overton County, Tennessee, and are described as follows:

"Beginning on a stone (formerly a black oak tree) Paul Chilton (formerly Anne Breeding) southwest corner running thence sixteen (16) poles; to a small black oak; thence fifteen (15) poles to a sassafras, M. D. McCormick northwest corner (formerly Noah Stockton); thence south ten (10) degrees west with said McCormick's line twenty-one and one-half (21½) poles to four small sycamores on the bank of a branch; thence eastward nine and one-half (9½) poles with branch to a stone and sourwood pointer; thence south twenty-eight (28) degrees west forty-seven (47) poles to a small sycamore; thence south thirty-eight (38) degrees east eighteen (18) poles to a black walnut: thence south forty-five (45) degrees west ninety-four (94) poles to a stone in Roach's line (formerly M. S. Harp line): thence southeast forty-one poles and ten (10) feet to Dow Burgess line (formerly Q. S. McClain line) thence south with said Burgess line fifty-three and one-eighth poles to the public road; thence west two-thirds of a pole to a stone; thence northwardly fifty-two and one-half (52½) poles to a stone; thence northwest two-thirds of a pole south of M. A. Stockton's line forty-one (41) poles to a stake; thence back ten (10) feet to the A. L. Holloway corner; thence north sixty-two and one-half degrees west twenty-three and one-half poles to a stone to Allen's corner (formerly M.S. Harp) with a dogwood pointer; thence north with Roach east boundary line (formerly Elias Byers) passing his corner at sixty poles in the same direction in all one hundred sixty-four poles to a stake in the mouth of the branch on the west side of Bear Creek; thence with the current of creek to near the south end of a bluff; thence south 10½ poles to a rock; thence east to the beginning containing seventy-one (71) acres more or less."

SECTION 2. That from and after its passage of this Act the above described lands of Willard B. Presley and wife, Gilberts Presley shall cease to be a part of Overton County, Tennessee, and shall be a part of and included within the Fifteenth Civil District of Putnam County, Tennessee, and the county line between said counties is hereby changed and altered accordingly.

SECTION 3. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 10, 1965.