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Private Acts of 1961 Chapter 364

SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Overton and Putnam be, and the same is hereby changed so that the county line between the Counties of Overton and Putnam will be located in the following manner:

Starting at a point where the county line between Putnam and Overton Counties now intersects Paron Road; thence in an eastwardly direction along Paron Road to a point where the eastern boundary line of the lands of Carson Moore now intersects with Paron Road; thence in a southwardly direction a straight line to a point intersecting with the present county line between Putnam and Overton Counties so that the tract of land consisting of 2½ acres, being a triangular tract of land, belonging to Carson Moore, which formerly lay in Overton County will now be situated in the 15th District of Putnam County. It is the intent and meaning of this Act that the boundary line between Overton and Putnam Counties be so changed that the said lands of Carson Moore, formerly laying within Overton County shall become a part of the County of Putnam, and included therein as a part of the 15th District of said County.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 17, 1961.