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Private Acts of 1961 Chapter 263

SECTION 1. That Chapter 330 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee for 1901, the caption of which is quoted in the caption of this Act, be amended by adding to the territory included within said school district and making subject to the provisions of said Chapter 330, and amendments thereto, all of that territory, within said county, included within the following boundaries: Beginning at the point where the Hickory Ridge Road intersects the present western boundary of the Tenth School District of Wilson County and running thence generally west with the center line of Hickory Ridge Road to the center of its intersection with Blair Lane, thence generally north with the center line of Blair Lane to the center line of U.S. Highway 70N, thence generally west with the center line of U. S. Highway 70N to a point intersecting a southerly extension of the boundary line between the present residences of Lewis Bell and Ray Padgett, thence generally north with the Bell-Padgett boundary line and its northerly extension to the point where it intersects the Tennessee Central Raidroad right-of-way, thence with the southern edge of said right-of-way generally east to the point of intersection with the present western boundary of the said School District, and thence generally south with said present boundary to the point of beginning at the center of the Hickory Ridge Road.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall not take effect until and unless the Board of Directors or Commissioners for the said Tenth School District shall within ninety (90) days, from and after the passage of this Act, ratify and confirm the addition to said District of the territory authorized to be so added by this Act and certify such ratification or confirmation to the Secretary of State, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 13, 1961.