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Private Acts of 1901 Chapter 330

COMPILER’S NOTE: Private Acts of 2005, Chapter 15, amended Chapter 330 of the Private Acts of 1901, as amended by Chapter 91 of the Private Acts of 1993, and all other acts amendatory thereto, is amended by modifying, revising and expanding the boundary of the Tenth Special School District of Wilson County, Tennessee by adding to the boundaries of the District all of the remainder of that parcel shown on the official tax maps of Wilson County, Tennessee, as of January 1, 2005, as being Parcel 14.01 on Map 56, which is not presently within the District.

COMPILER’S NOTE: Private Acts of 2019, Chapter 28, reproduced herein, amended Chapter 330 of the Private Acts of 1901, as amended by Chapter 91 of the Private Acts of 1993 and Chapter 15 of the Private Acts of 2005; and any other acts amendatory thereto, to change the boundary of the Tenth Special School District of Wilson County Tennessee.

SECTION 1. That the Tenth Civil District of Wilson County, Tennessee, and all the inhabitants thereof, is hereby made and constituted a body politic and corporate under the name and style of the Tenth Special School District of Wilson County, Tennessee, and as such shall have the power of perpetual succession, to sue and be sued, to contact and be contacted with, to plead and to be impleaded in all the courts of this State, and shall have the power to purchase, receive and hold real, personal and mixed property, and to release, grant and any way dispose of the same for public school purposes, and the boundaries of said school district shall be the same as the boundaries of said Tenth Civil District as they now exist.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1988, Chapter 134

SECTION 2. That the control and government of said Tenth School District shall be vested in a Board of Directors or Commissioners, composed of three members, two of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The first Board of Directors or Commissioners shall consist of the present acting Board of Directors or Commissioners, namely, W. J. Baird, Sam B. Gilreath and Bascom Cooksey, who shall hold office for two, four and six years from September 1942, respectively, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified that being the expiration dates of their respective present terms of office. Hereafter, the terms of said members of the Board of Directors or Commissioners of said Tenth School District shall be for a term of six years, one Director or Commissioner to be chosen hereafter at the general biennial August election, the first member to be elected at the general biennial August election in the year 1944. Beginning with the 2022 August election, the terms of the Board of Directors or Commissioners of the Tenth Special School District shall be for a term of four years.

In the event of vacancies on said Board of Directors or Commissioners, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment or election made by the other members of said Board of Directors or Commissioners, and the person so appointed or elected to fill such vacancy shall serve until the next general biennial August election, when an election shall be held to fill such vacancy. All members of said Board of Directors or Commissioners, when appointed or elected, shall continue to serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

No one shall be eligible for election and qualification as a member of said Board of Directors or Commissioners, except a resident or citizen of said School District, who shall be more than twenty-five years of age, and both a householder and freeholder of said School District. Said Board of Directors or Commissioners shall organize by electing a President and a Secretary, both of whom shall be members of said Board.

Said Board of Directors or Commissioners shall be elected under the general election laws of the State of Tennessee, and they shall have all the powers and authority given them, both under this Act and under the general laws of the State of Tennessee. They shall especially have the power and authority to elect all the teachers of the elementary schools of said District, fix their compensation, to control and manage the school buildings, grounds and property of said School District, and to otherwise govern, regulate and control the affairs of said School District.

As amended by:

Private Acts of 1943, Chapter 99

Private Acts of 2022, Chapter 57

SECTION 3. That said School Directors may at any time submit the question for more taxation for public school purposes than is now allowed by the general laws of the State to a vote of the qualified voters of said Tenth District at an election ordered by them for that purpose, with ten days' notice published in the newspapers of the county seat, said election to be held by the Sheriff in the manner and form and under the general election laws of the State, and upon a majority of two-thirds of the qualified voters of said Tenth District casting their vote for an increase of the regular taxation in said district, said increase shall be made, but in no case shall said taxation be increased more than twenty cents on the $100 worth of taxable property.

That there shall be and is hereby levied for the year 1943 and all succeeding years, a special tax of twenty cents on every One Hundred Dollars worth of taxable property situated within said Tenth School District of said County for school purposes of said District, and the same shall be in addition to all taxes now levied. Said special school tax hereby levied, shall be collected by the Trustee of Wilson County, Tennessee, at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes of the County are collected by him, and it shall be levied upon all property assessed by the County Tax Assessor of said County in said Tenth School District. The Trustee of said County shall pay out and distribute said special tax levy upon warrants regularly and legally issued by the President, and countersigned by the Secretary of the Board of Directors or Commissioners of said Tenth School District, as other school tax money of said District is paid out and distributed.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1943, Chapter 99
  Private Acts of 1987, Chapter 88

COMPILER'S NOTE: Chapter 88 of the Private Acts of 1987 in Section 8 provides: Section 3 of Chapter 330 of the 1901 Private Acts of the State of Tennessee, as amended, is hereby amended to change the tax rate levied for operational expenses from twenty cents ($0.20) to fifteen cents ($0.15) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1987 and for each fiscal year thereafter. Chapter 134 of the Private Acts of 1988 provides: Section 3 of Chapter 330 of the Private Acts of 1901 is further amended for the purpose of correcting an unintentional mistake as to the period of the tax levy provided therein so that the tax levy for operational expenses levied pursuant to Chapter 330, as amended, is $.20 for the calendar year beginning January 1, 1987; and $.15 for the calendar year beginning January 1, 1988 and for each calendar year thereafter.

SECTION 4. That said ballots shall read "For Taxation", where the people shall want the same increased, and shall state "Against Taxation," where they desire to vote for no increase in the taxation already allowed by the county and State; but the Directors must first specify the amount of the increase desired in their said public notice.  

SECTION 5. That on the vote of the people for an increase of said taxation, the same shall be levied on the taxpayers of said school district, and the same shall be assessed on the tax books and collected by the County Trustee, and shall by him be paid out on the order of said School Directors as other funds in his hands belonging to said Tenth District.  

SECTION 6. That the Funds derived under the taxation allowed in this Act shall go to increase and supplement the school funds already in the hands of said School Directors under the general laws of the State and county, and it shall be used for the purpose of paying teachers, furnishing, repairing and building necessary houses, as is the other school funds already allowed under the general laws of the State, and it is not intended by this Act in any way to interfere with the general public school laws already in force, but only to increase the school funds of said Tenth District.  

SECTION 7. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 18, 1901.