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Private Acts of 1943 Chapter 443

SECTION 1. That Washington County be and it is hereby authorized to make the necessary contracts with any Insurance Company or Companies authorized to do business in the State of Tennessee to provide for the retirement of the Teachers employed by the County Board of School Directors of Washington County from active service, and to provide group annuity, insurance, pensions or retirement allowances for said teachers thus retired.

SEC. 2. That the contract or contracts referred to in Section 1 shall provide for the payment of the said teachers’ share of the maintenance cost by making payroll deductions from the salaries of said teachers and Washington County is hereby authorized to make such deductions from salaries.

SEC. 3. That the contract or contracts referred to in Section 1 shall also provide for Washington County to make financial contributions to the cost of maintaining the group pension or retirement system, and Washington County is hereby authorized to make such contributions.

SEC. 4. That Washington County is hereby given authority to take all necessary steps for inauguration and maintaining said group pension or retirement system, by appropriate action of its Quarterly County Court.

SEC. 5. That the power or authority vested by this Act in Washington County exercised by resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire membership of its Quarterly County Court at any regular or called meeting of said Quarterly County Court. The amount or proportion of the said teachers’ contribution to the cost of said system, the amount or proportion Washington County’s contribution thereto and all provisions of such contract or contracts may also be fixed by such resolution, and such resolution may authorize and direct the proper officials of Washington County to execute said contract and provide for the carrying of the same into effect.

SEC. 6. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: February 9, 1943.