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Education/Schools - Historical Notes

Board of Education

The following act once affected the board of education in Washington County but is no longer operative.

  1. Private Acts of 1935, Chapter 510, abolished the Washington County Board of Education and created a county board of school commissioners for the county. This act was repealed by Private Acts of 1939, Chapter 438.

Superintendent or Director of Schools

The acts referenced below once affected the office of superintendent of education in Washington County, but are no longer operative. Also referenced below are acts which repeal prior law without providing new substantive provisions.

  1. Private Acts of 1935, Chapter 204, created the office of superintendent of schools in counties having a population of not less than 45,805 nor more than 45,820 according to the 1930 Federal Census and it governed and controlled the election of all superintendents in all counties coming under the provisions of this act from and after the 1936 August election.
  2. Private Acts of 1953, Chapter 242, fixed and prescribed the salary of the Washington County Superintendent of Schools so that it was equal to the maximum salary allowed to officers named in Section 10727 of the Code of Tennessee, for 1932. This act was amended by Private Acts of 1953, Chapter 536, so as to make the act apply only to elected officers. Private Acts of 1953, Chapter 242, was repealed by Private Acts of 1969, Chapter 83.

General Reference

Also referenced below are acts which repeal prior law without providing new substantive provisions.

  1. Acts of 1795, Chapter 8, established Washington College in Salem, Washington County in honor of President George Washington.
  2. Acts of 1806, Chapter 8, established Martin Academy in Washington County and named John Kennedy, Andrew Steele, William Mitchel, John Nelson and David Deadrick as trustees of the academy. This act was amended by Acts of 1807, Chapter 56, so as to name Mathew Stephenson, Alexander M. Nelson, George Gillespie, Mathew Aiken and Allen Gillespie as trustees of Martin Academy.
  3. Acts of 1807, Chapter 29, appointed John Chester, James V. Anderson and Peter Darsons as additional trustees for Martin Academy in Washington County.
  4. Acts of 1817, Chapter 97, appointed James V. Anderson, William B. Carter, John C. Eason, David G. Vance, John C. Harris and Samuel Greer as trustees of Martin Academy in Washington County.
  5. Private Acts of 1825, Chapter 206, appointed David Nelson, David A. Deadrick and Samuel G. Chester as trustees of Martin Academy.
  6. Private Acts of 1827, Chapter 165, established the Jonesborough Female Academy in Washington County.
  7. Private Acts of 1832, Chapter 76, authorized the clerk and treasurer of the board of common school commissioners of Washington County to perform all the duties required of the late agents in said county, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as were provided for the bank agency of Campbell County.
  8. Private Acts of 1835-36, Chapter 107, authorized the trustees of Martin Academy, in Washington County, to pay $500.00 to the trustees of the Jonesborough Female Academy.
  9. Private Acts of 1867-68, Chapter 94, incorporated the Cherokee Male and Female Academy in Washington County. This act was repealed by Public Acts of 1869-70, Second Session, Chapter 105.
  10. Acts of 1905, Chapter 144, created an independent school district in the fourth and eighth civil districts of Washington County.
  11. Acts of 1905, Chapter 368, created an independent school district out of part of the fifteenth civil district of Greene County and the thirteenth civil distirct of Washington County.
  12. Acts of 1909, Chapter 494, required parents and guardians to cause children between the ages of eight and fourteen years to attend some public school for at least four months or eighty days consecutively each year in Washington County. This act was repealed by Public Acts of 1978, Chapter 716.
  13. Private Acts, 1931, Chapter 657, authorized Washington County to issue and sell $300.000 of school bonds for the purpose of erecting, repairing and equipping certain schools in Washington County.
  14. Private Acts of 1931, Second Extra Session, Chapter 68, authorized Washington County to issue and sell $200,000.00 of interest bearing coupons for the purpose of providing funds to build, repair and reconstruct school houses and provide for the retirement of said bonds.
  15. Private Acts of 1937, Chapter 640, allowed and permitted Mrs. R. A. Hilbert and Gladys Barron of Washington County to enter the State Teacher’s College, at Johnson City, and to be classified and enrolled as full accredited high school graduates. This act also gave them full credit for all work heretofore done.
  16. Private Acts of 1939, Chapter 379, validated the issuance of $450,000 of school bonds by Washington County and the proceedings by the quarterly county court which authorized said bonds and provided for the payment of said bonds and interest thereon.