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Private Acts of 1939 Chapter 281

SECTION 1. That civil district 8, 16, 11 and 7 of McNairy County, Tennessee, be and the same are hereby consolidated and from and after the effective date of this Act shall be known as Civil District No. 1 thereof. Pony Gibson and W. G. Walker, who were duly elected magistrates for the civil districts included in Civil District No. 1 as herein designated, are hereby designated as magistrates for said Civil District No. 1 and ________________________, duly elected constable for one of the civil districts included in Civil District No. 1, is hereby designated constable.

Civil Districts 17, 19, 3 and 2 as now constituted, are hereby consolidated into one which shall be known as Civil District No. 2 of said county. W.R. Nickles and Wilbur Robertson, who were duly elected from part of the territory now comprised of Civil District No. 2 as herein designated, are designated as magistrates for said Civil Districts and _________________________, duly elected constable for a part of the territory now embraced in said Civil District No. 2 shall be designated constable.

Civil Districts 12 and 15 as now constituted are hereby consolidated and shall comprise Civil District No. 3 of said county from and after the effective date of this Act. R. E. Wade and C. C. Lipford, duly elected magistrates from one of the civil districts consolidated to make Civil District No. 3 as herein provided, are hereby designated as magistrates for said Civil District 3; and ________________________________, duly elected constable for one of the civil districts merged to make Civil District No. 3 is hereby designated as constable of said district. Civil Districts 9, 13 and 10 as now constituted shall comprise Civil District No. 4 of said county. Leo Atkins and Ed Wagoner, duly elected magistrates from civil districts merged to constitute Civil District No. 4 are hereby designated as magistrates and __________________________, duly elected constable, is hereby designated as constable. Civil Districts 4, 5 and 6 as now constituted, shall comprise Civil District No. 5 of said county from and after the effective date of this Act. Roy Huggins, Thomas Jones and C. L. McCullar, all duly elected magistrates from one of the civil districts merged to constitute Civil District No. 5 are hereby designated as magistrates from said Civil District No. 5, it being the civil district containing the county town; and _______________________, duly elected constable for one of the civil districts merged to make Civil District No. 5, is hereby designated as constable.

Civil Districts 1, 18 and 14 as now constituted are hereby merged and shall constitute from and after the effective date of this Act, Civil District No. 6 of said county. R. L. Wilmeth and W. G. Minton, both duly elected magistrates from part of the territory included in Civil District No. 6 as herein constituted, are hereby designated as magistrates for said Civil District No. 6 and _______________________, duly elected constable from one of the civil districts included in said Civil District No. 6 as herein constituted, as designated as constable therefor. SECTION 2. That from and after the effective date of this Act, the office of justice of the peace in each of the incorporated towns contained in McNairy County be and the same is hereby abolished and for naught held.

SECTION 3. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: February 21, 1939.

COMPILER'S NOTE: See Swaim v. Smith and McNairy County v. Smith, 174 Tenn. 688, 130 S.W.2d 116 (1939), wherein the court upheld the constitutionality of this act.