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Private Acts of 1931 Chapter 516

WHEREAS, The Surveyor's Book of original surveys made on entries in Fentress County and all public copies thereof were burned when the courthouse in Jamestown burned in 1904; and,

WHEREAS, A certified copy of said Surveyor's Book was issued on the 21st day of July, 1891, by the then Register of Deeds of said county and was preserved in the hands of a private person, who owned the same; and,

WHEREAS, Said certified copy was recently very badly damaged by fire and can no longer be handled without complete destruction, but the same has been copied; and,

WHEREAS, it is desired to supply a public copy of said Surveyor's Book for use in lieu of the original destroyed book;

Now therefore,

SECTION 1. That the County of Fentress, by and through its Quarterly County Court, a majority of the Justices of the Peace consenting thereto, is hereby authorized to purchase a copy of said Surveyor's Book and to pay for same out of general county funds.

SECTION 2. That when purchased said copy of the Surveyor's Book shall be placed in the custody of the Register of Deeds of said county as a record of that office and certified copies issued from the same shall be received as evidence as if issued from the original Surveyor's Book, except that the same shall be only prima facie evidence of such surveys.

SECTION 3. That when a certified copy of a survey has been furnished, the Register shall collect a fee of $1.00 from the one securing the certified copy, and said fee shall go into the general county fund for county purposes.

SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: June 23, 1931.