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Acts of 1909 Chapter 585

WHEREAS on the 8th day of December, 1904, the courthouse of Fentress County, Tenn., was destroyed by fire, and in its destruction a great many valuable records were destroyed, among which were books "A" and "B" of the Register's office of Fentress County, Tennessee, containing the registration of all deeds, grants, and other recorded instruments from the 18th day of May, 1825, to the 12th day of April, 1838; and

WHEREAS a certain abstract company in 1896 commenced to copy the Register's books and abstract all of the land in Fentress County, and had copied and compared books "A" and "B" of said Register's office; and

WHEREAS said abstract company became involved in debt and all their assets were sold at public sale, including said copies of books "A" and "B," and the county of Fentress has recently come into the possession of said copies of books "A" and "B" by purchase, which are believed to be true and perfect copies of said books and the best evidence obtainable; therefore,

SECTION 1. That said copies be supplied and substituted in the room and stead of the original books "A" and "B" of the Register's office of Fentress County, Tenn.

SECTION 2. That certified copies from said books "A" and "B" thus supplied and substituted by the first section of this Act be evidence in all of the courts of the State of Tennessee and in the courts of the United States of America.

SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 29, 1909.