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Private Acts of 1909 Chapter 199

SECTION 1. That the district line between the First Civil District and the Third Civil District of Roane County, Tenn., be, and the same is hereby, so changed as to detach the boundary hereinafter described from the Third Civil District and attach the same to the First Civil District of said county -- to wit: Commencing at a point on the west bank of the Big Emory River, on the line between the First and Third Civil Districts, and running thence down the west bank of said river with its several meanders to its confluence with the Clinch River; thence down and along the north bank of said Clinch River to the mouth of the Margrave Branch; thence up the Margrave and Goddard Branches to the line between the Goddard and Gambill lands; thence north along the line between the Goddard and Gambill lands to the First District line; thence east with the line between the First and Third Civil Districts to the point of beginning.

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 6, 1909.