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Private Acts of 1903 Chapter 16

SECTION 1. That the First, Second, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Tenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-first Civil Districts of Roane County, as now laid out and constituted, be, and the same are hereby abolished, and that the territory therein be attached to the Third, Fifth, Seventeenth, Thirteenth, and Sixteenth Civil Districts as follows:

  1. That the territory lying and being within the lines of said First, Second and Eighteenth Civil Districts herein abolished, be, and the same is hereby attached to the Third Civil District of said County.
  2. That all the territory lying and being within the lines of said Fourth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Civil Districts herein abolished, be, and the same is hereby attached to the Fifth Civil District of said County.
  3. That all the territory lying and being within the lines of the Seventh and Nineteenth Civil Districts herein abolished and so much of the Sixth and Twenty-first Civil Districts, also abolished, lying east of Caney Creek from its intersection with the Tennessee River to the Harriman and Rockwood Road; then with said road to the lane at the residence of T. W. Carter; then with said lane and a continuation of same course to the Morgan County line, be, and the same is hereby attached to the Sixteenth Civil District of said County.
  4. That the territory lying and being within the lines of said Twelfth and Twentieth Civil Districts herein abolished, and so much of said Sixth and Twenty-first Civil Districts lying west of Caney Creek from its intersection with Tennessee River to the road from Harriman and Rockwood; then with said road to the lane at the residence of T. W. Carter; then with said lane and a continuation of same course to the Morgan County line, be, and the same is hereby attached to the Thirteenth Civil District of said County.
  5. That all the territory lying and being within the lines of the said Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh and Tenth Civil Districts, herein abolished, be, and the same is hereby attached to the Seventeenth Civil District of said County.

SECTION 2. That said Sixteenth Civil District shall hereafter be known as the First Civil District; that said Fifth Civil District shall hereafter be known as the Second Civil District; that said Seventeenth Civil District shall hereafter be known as the Fourth Civil District, and that said Thirteenth Civil District shall hereafter be known as the Fifth Civil District of said County.

SECTION 3. That the number of Civil Districts for said County as herein established shall not be increased or diminished except by Act of the General Assembly.

SECTION 4. That the offices of all Justices of the Peace and Constable, in the several districts herein abolished, be, and the same are hereby abolished, but this Act shall not be construed to apply to Justices of the Peace elected in and for incorporated towns in said County.

SECTION 5. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.

SECTION 6. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: February 3, 1903.