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Private Acts of 1859-60 Chapter 196

SECTION 1. That the county line between the counties of Putnam and Smith, in this State, be, and the same is hereby so altered or changed as to run as follows, to wit: Beginning at a sycamore on the south bank of Cumberland river, running thence south fifty-four poles, and thence meandering eastwardly with the said river three and three-fourths miles and thirty-one poles, to a beech tree near the mouth of the Indian Creek thence south sixty-five degrees east forty-five poles to an ironwood on the east bank of the creek; thence south two degrees east seventy-two poles to a stake; thence south twenty-three degrees west seventeen poles to a hickory; thence south seventy degrees west forty-one poles to a stake; thence south forty three degrees west one hundred and forty-nine poles to a locust; thence south twenty-three degrees east twenty-one poles to a birch; thence south eight degrees west thirty-eight poles to a stump; thence west forty-six poles to a stake; thence south twenty-seven degrees west twenty poles to a stake thence north seventy-four degrees west sixty-two poles to a sugar tree; thence south one hundred and thirty-two poles to a stake; thence south eighty degrees east twelve poles to an ash; thence south thirty-six degrees west twenty-eight poles to a buckeye; thence south fifty-six degrees west twenty poles to a beech; thence south twenty-six degrees west twenty-three poles to a sugar tree thence south sixty-three degrees west thirty-one poles to an ironwood in the south county line.

SECTION 2. That if at any time hereafter any question shall arise, so as to involve the said county of Putnam in a contest as to the constitutionality upon the extent or amount of area necessary to the existence of said county, and it shall turn out that the said county of Putnam has not the requisite constitutional area or territory without the fraction stricken off by the first section of this act, then in that case, the said first section of this act shall be held void, and the aforesaid change of lines shall be inoperative and void.

SECTION 3. That the residences of D. Robeson, H. B. Clark, be, and the same is hereby embraced in the change of line, and that the line aforesaid be so modified or changed in its boundaries as to embrace them in Smith county.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the act apply to Smith County. The remaining sections are not reprinted

Passed: March 23, 1860