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Private Acts of 1859-60 Chapter 135

SECTION 1. That the county line between DeKalb and Smith counties be changed as follows: beginning at Benj. Thomason's land, running north with the county line, forty-two poles to his N. W. corner; thence east, ninety-eight poles; thence north twenty-five degrees east twenty-six poles; thence north with James Jones', sixty-two poles; thence east thirty poles; thence north fourteen degrees east eighty-eight poles; thence west thirty poles; thence north forty poles; thence east thirty poles to Andrew Williams' line; thence north with his line, one hundred and ten poles; thence east one hundred poles to Asa Washer's line; thence north twenty-three poles; thence sixty-five degrees east seven poles; thence north fifty-five poles; thence east sixteen poles; thence north fifty-six poles; thence east sixty poles; thence north eighty-four poles; thence east one hundred and eighteen poles; thence south fifty-eight poles; thence south seventeen degrees west twenty-six poles, to Granderson Hardcastle's line; thence south forty degrees east twentysix poles; thence south sixty-two degrees east twenty-six poles; thence south sixty-two degrees east fourteen poles to a beech corner belonging to the heirs of James Arnient; thence east with the line seventy-six poles to John Helmontuller's line; thence north his line fifty-four poles; thence east with Young Malone's line one hundred and fifteen poles; thence north twenty poles; thence south sixty-five degrees east thirty-six poles, to B. Malone's line; thence north with his line forty-five degrees east twenty-two poles; thence east eighty poles; thence north, thirty-four poles; thence south thirty-seven degrees east forty-four poles; thence east with C. Deuny's line eighty poles to Daniel Driver's west boundary line; thence north with his line one hundred and thirty-four poles; thence east one hundred and thirty-five poles; thence south ninety-four poles; thence south forty-six degrees east twenty poles; thence south eighteen degrees east forty-six to Charles Washer's line; thence south eighty-five degrees east twenty-two poles; thence south sixty-five degrees east forty-eight poles; thence north fifty degrees east forty-two poles; thence east fourteen poles; thence south fifty-five east twenty-eight poles to Thos. Drivers's line; thence north fifty-two degrees east one hundred poles; thence north fifty-seven degrees east forty-two poles; thence north sixty-five degrees east fifty-four poles; thence north sixty-five degrees east fifty-four poles; thence north sixty degrees east eighty poles; thence forty degrees east eighty poles; thence seventy degrees east one hundred and twenty poles; thence south twenty poles; thence south seventy degrees east ninety poles; thence south thirty degrees east twenty poles; thence south seventy five degrees east forty poles; thence south eighty degrees east one hundred and seventy-six poles; thence south five degrees east ninety-four poles to Smith's Fork, at the mouth of a gully, near John Lamberson's fence; thence up the creek, north sixty-five degrees west eighty-four poles; thence up said creek, twenty degrees west one hundred poles; thence east, crossing Smith's Fork, forty poles; thence south fifty poles; thence south sixty-one degrees east one hundred and sixteen poles; thence east with Kelly's line, sixty-six poles, to the road leading from Smithville to Lancaster, near John Rody's house; thence with said road south thirteen degrees east sixty poles; thence south forty-five east one hundred poles; thence south sixteen degrees east thirty poles; thence with said road south eight degrees east six poles; thence south forty-two degrees east forty-two poles to the DeKalb county line, near said road; thence north with the various corners of said line to the beginning.

SECTION 10. That the line between the counties of Smith and Wilson be changed so as to include the lands of James Holmes upon which he lives, in the county of Wilson.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 1 and 10 of the act apply to Smith County. The remaining sections are not reprinted.

PASSED: March 18. 1860