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Private Acts of 1835-36 Chapter 46

COMPILER’S NOTE: Section 2 of this act is the only section that effects Hickman County, the rest of the sections are therefore not printed herein.

SECTION 2. That all that territory and country now lying in the county of Hickman, within the following boundaries, shall hereafter belonging and (be) attached to the county of Humphreys to wit:--Beginning in the line dividing the counties of Hickman and Humphreys, where the same first strikes Duck river, running south from the north west corner of Hickman; running thence up with the meanders of Duck river, with the main channel, to where the middle of the main ridge dividing the waters of Sugar and Tumbling creeks strikes the river; thence a north easterly course, along the summit of said ridge, between the waters of said creeks, to the main ridge dividing the waters of Garner’s and Little Hurricane creeks; thence along the summit of the same to the north boundary line of Hickman county; thence west with said line, to the north west corner of said county; thence south with the line dividing the counties of Hickman and Humphreys to the beginning.

Passed: February 2, 1836.