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Acts of 1837-38 Chapter 211

COMPILER’S NOTE: Section 1 of this act did not effect Hickman County and is therefore not printed herein.

SECTION 3. That the county line between the counties of Maury and Hickman, be and the same is hereby so altered as to include within the limits of Hickman county the following described territory, to wit: beginning at the ford at Gordon’s ferry, where the Natchez road crosses Duck river, on the south bank of said river, running thence up said river with it meanders to the mouth of Fall branch; thence up said branch with its main channel to where the same strikes the Natchez road, thence northerly with said road to the beginning.

SECTION 4. That the citizens residing in said limits shall enjoy all the advantages and be subject to all the duties and liabilities that are enjoined or secured to the citizens of Hickman county.

Passed: January 24th, 1838.