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Private Acts of 1835-36 Chapter 39

COMPILER'S NOTE: The remaining sections of the act do not apply to Smith County and are not reprinted.

SECTION 10. That in addition to the fifteen square miles taken from the county of Smith and attached to the county of Cannon, by the act to which this is a supplement, the following territory shall also be attached; beginning at a stake in the line dividing the counties of Smith and Wilson, four miles from the southwest original corner of Smith county, running thence north twenty-three degrees west eight and one fourth miles, to an elm tree in said line; thence south eighty degrees east sixteen miles, to the Caney Fork river; thence up said river with the meanders, intersecting at that point the eastern boundary of said county of Cannon; and the inhabitants included in said boundary shall have all the rights, privileges and immunities, that the inhabitants of said county of Cannon have conferred on them by the act to which this is a supplement.

SECTION 11. That in addition to the commissioners appointed by joint resolution of both houses of this Legislature to lay off Smith county into civil districts, Jacob Fite and John Fite shall, and they are hereby appointed; and it is hereby made the duty of said commissioners, or any three of them, forthwith to lay off that part of Smith county which, by this act, is attached to the county of Cannon, into civil districts and designate the places of holding elections in such districts; which districts shall be added to the number of districts for Cannon county, and shall be laid off as near as may be convenient, with not less than one hundred free voters to one district; and they shall also regulate and lay off the districts in Smith county, adjoining its south boundary line, as established by this act, so as to suit the convenience of the citizens, and to return ideal plats with certificates for Cannon county, to the county court of Cannon, and for Smith, to the county court of Smith, and one for each to the Secretary of State.

SECTION 12. That so much of the act to which this is a supplement, as requires the commissioners who were appointed by said act to ascertain the surplus territory in Smith county, and hold an election to ascertain the consent of the inhabitants within said surplus territory to be attached to Cannon county, to report their proceedings to the county court of Cannon county, be, and the same is hereby repealed.

Passed: February 19, 1836.