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Private Acts of 1835-36 Chapter 33

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 1 and 14 of the act are the only sections that apply to Smith County. The other sections are not reprinted.

SECTION 1. That a new county is hereby established, to be called and known by the name of Cannon; east of Rutherford, north west of Warren and south of Wilson and Smith counties, and composed of parts of the said counties of Warren, Rutherford and Smith; beginning of the ridge, the dividing line between Bedford and Rutherford counties, where Trott's survey strikes the same, near the house of Thomas Bruce; running from thence north to the twelve mile tree marked by Joseph Fowler, near Readyville, in Rutherford county, and continuing the same course to the Wilson county line; thence northeast with the several lines of Wilson county, to the line between Smith and Wilson; thence with the line between Wilson and Smith, four miles to a point on the line heretofore run by Henry Trott, jr.; thence north eighty degrees east, with said line, seven and a half miles to the line between Smith and Warren; thence north eighty degrees east, nine and a half miles, to the Smith county line; thence the same course seven and a half miles, to the line between Warren and Smith counties; thence with the line dividing Warren and Smith counties, seven miles to the Caney fork of Cumberland river; thence up the meanders of the Caney fork to the mouth of Lick creek; running from thence to Perry G. Magnus's, leaving the dwelling house of said Magnus in the county of Warren; thence to a point a westwardly course, so as to run not nearer than twelve miles of McMinnville; thence to John Martin's esq. on a line heretofore run by Henry Trott; thence south, thirty degrees west, seven miles and one hundred and ninety two poles; thence south, twenty degrees west, two miles; thence south five miles and one hundred and eighty six poles; thence south, seventy one degrees west, six miles and seventy poles; thence north, eleven degrees west, three miles and seventy poles; thence with the dividing ridge between Rutherford and Bedford counties, to the beginning.

SECTION 14. That the surplus territory in the southern part of the county of Smith, shall be attached to and made a part of the county of Cannon, on the following conditions, to wit: -- Abraham Overall, Moses Allen, Leonard Lamberson, John Fite and Joel Cheatham, are hereby appointed commissioners, who, or a majority of whom, shall proceed, on or before the first day of May next, and ascertain, by actual survey, the territory attached to the southern extremity of the county of Smith, over and above six hundred and twenty-five square miles, excepting the fifteen square miles above included in Cannon; not running the line nearer than within twelve miles of the town of Carthage; so soon as said fact shall be ascertained, it is hereby made the duty of said commissioners, to hold an election at some suitable time and place, to be designated by the commissioners, and advertised at four of the most public places, at least ten days in said surplus territory, for the purpose of ascertaining whether a majority of the citizens in such surplus territory, are willing to be attached to the county of Cannon; and if upon counting the votes it shall appear that a majority of all the voters, competent to vote for members of the
general assembly, have voted to be attached to the county of Cannon, then the said commissioners shall report the fact to the first term thereafter, of the county court to be held for the county of Cannon; which report shall be entered on the minutes of said county court; and in that event said territory shall be attached to and form a part of the county of Cannon; the citizens thereof shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, immunities and exemptions conferred by this act on the citizens of Cannon.

Passed: January 31, 1836.