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Private Acts of 1821 Chapter 202

SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this act the boundary line of Perry county shall be as follows, to wit: Beginning on the north boundary line of Wayne county at a point due south of the Mossy shoals of Duck river, running north to the south east corner of Humphreys county; thence west with the south boundary line of Humphreys county twenty five miles, or so much further that a south course to the north boundary line of Hardin and Wayne counties shall give Perry County six hundred and twenty-five square miles; thence east with said lines to the beginning.

SECTION 2. That Charles Miles, John Reaves, James Dickson, Charles Graham, William S. Britt and William Patterson of Perry County, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, and they or a majority of them are authorized to employ some suitable person as a surveyor to run out and mark the lines of said county of Perry, and ascertain the center of said county; and it shall be the duty of said commissioners and they have full power and authority to fix on a proper place for the seat of justice in and for the said county, having due regard to the central situation of said county, and its commercial advantages, and its navigation as far as conveniency may admit, where a majority of said commissioners shall agree on; and if the said commissioners of Perry county cannot agree on the place to fix the seat of justice, William Easly, William Philips and Charles Bowing of Hickman county or a majority of them are appointed as umpires to fix on the place for the seat of justice in said county of Perry as aforesaid, and the said commissioners from Hickman county shall fix on the place for the seat of justice in Perry county, be entitled to receive for their services three dollars for every twenty-five miles traveling to, and returning from, the place, and three dollars for every day they may be necessarily engaged in the performing the duties enjoined on them by this act, out of any monies that are in the hands of the county trustee of Perry county, not otherwise appropriated.

SECTION 3. That the said commissioners of Perry county are hereby authorized to purchase fifty acres of land on the most reasonable terms, on some part of which shall be erected the court house, prison and stocks for the use of said county; and said commissioners or a majority of them shall take a deed in fee simple, in trust for the county, to themselves and successors in office, for the use and benefit aforesaid, and shall as soon as may be, after purchasing and obtaining a title thereto, proceed to lay off a town thereon, to be called and known by the name of Perryville, reserving two acres for a public square, on which shall be erected a court house, prison and stocks for said county, which two acres shall be denominated the public square.

SECTION 4. That the said commissioners or a majority of them be and they are hereby authorized and required to advertise and sell the lots in said town to the highest bidder on a credit of twelve months, taking bond with approved security for the purchase money to themselves and their successors in office, for the use of said county, and they are hereby authorized to execute deeds to the purchasers which shall be good and valid in law to all intents and purposes, and the money arising from the sale of said lots shall be appropriated to the payment of the land by them purchased as aforesaid, and the residue to the building of a court-house (sic), prison and stocks, and no other purpose, and they are hereby authorized and required first to advertise the sale of the said lots at least three months in some newspaper printed in Nashville or Clarksville, and at the court-house (sic) or place of holding court in the county of Perry, to contract and receive proposals for building said court-house (sic), prison and stocks.

SECTION 5. That the said commissioners shall before they enter on the duties of their office, assigned them by this act, take an oath or affirmation that they will truly and faithfully execute and perform the different duties by this act enjoined on them, according to the best of their judgment, and moreover enter into bond with approved security to the chairman of the Perry County court and his successors in office in the sum of six thousand dollars, conditioned for the due and faithful performance of the duties enjoined on them by this act, which bond shall be deposited in the clerk's office of said county.

SECTION 6. That the said commissioners shall keep a fair and regular statement of all monies by them received and expended, which statement when required shall from time to time be laid before the county court, but said commissioners shall not be called on oftener than once a year.

SECTION 7. That when the buildings aforesaid are completed the said commissioners shall lay a fair statement of the amount of money by them received and expended for the purposes aforesaid, before the court aforesaid, who shall allow the said commissioners a reasonable compensation for their services, provided two thirds of the justices of said county be present, and if, after the completion of the said buildings there be any surplus money in the hands of said commissioners it shall be paid over to the county trustee for county purposes by a motion of the county trustee, and it shall be his duty to make such motion.

Passed: November 14, 1821