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Acts of 1823 Chapter 137

SECTION 1. That the west boundary of Perry County be altered as follows: beginning
at the north-west corner of said county; and running thence south parallel with the range line to a
point two miles south of the line that divides the sixth and seventh sections in the ninth
surveyor's district; thence east to Turnsbow's creek; thence down said creek to the Tennessee
river; thence down with the west bank of said river, to a point due west of the point that the west
boundary line of Wayne county leaves said river; thence with the said boundary line, down said
river, to the north-west corner of Wayne county; which shall be the permanent lines dividing
said counties.
SECTION 2. That the court of Perry county shall appoint a suitable person to run the
aforesaid lines, and allow them such pay as to them may seem reasonable and right.
SECTION 3. That the south boundary line dividing Henderson and Hardin counties,
shall be run as follows: beginning at the south-west corner of Perry county, and running thence
west to a point due north of the north-east corner of M'Nairy county; thence south to the south
boundary line of Henderson county; which shall be the permanent lines dividing said counties.
SECTION 4. That the court of Henderson county shall appoint some suitable persons to
run said lines, and allow them such pay as they deem reasonable and right.
SECTION 5. That the surveyor appointed to run the dividing line between Hardin and
Henderson counties shall run the dividing line between Henderson and M'Nairy counties and
shall be paid as provided for in this act.
Passed: October 31, 1823.