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Acts of 1905 Chapter 462

SECTION 1.  That there is hereby created an additional Civil District in Henderson County, Tennessee, to be known as Civil District No. 7, and the said district is made to include the territory within the boundaries as follows:

Beginning at a point on the Decatur County Line, north of and on the line of James Jackson's lands, runs thence in a southwest direction with the Beacon and Scott's Hill Road to the Shady Hill Road at Flat Creek; runs thence west with the Shady Hill and Decaturville Road to the Middleburg and Scott's Hill Road to Middleburg and Scott's Hill Road to and including the farm of J. P. Mitchell; thence south with said road to and so as to include the farm of Newt Holmes; thence west through the lane between the lands of J. M. Barthelemew and W. W. Buck so as include the lands of N. W. Buck and with the line of same on to Cane Creek; thence southwest with and including the lands of Dick Rushing, Will Crosser, Leonard White, Wood White, W. L. Laster, and thence south to the old (Thirteenth) Civil District line at or near the home of Asa Jones; thence in a southwest direction with said old district line to the Saltillo and Lexington Road, at the Benson old mill place; thence (in) a south direction with what is known as the Stickey Ridge Road, passing the lands of J. T. Johnson, E. Frazier, Mrs. Story, and Polk Bridges, and on (in) a southern direction to the Hardin County line; thence in an eastern direction with said Hardin County line to the Decatur County line to the beginning at James Jackson's lands.

SECTION 2.  That at the next regular county election for said county there shall be elected in and for said district two Justices of the Peace, a Constable, a Tax Assessor, and other officers, such as are allowed by law to Civil Districts, and until said officers are elected and qualified the officials of the several districts having jurisdiction of the territory shall continue to exercise such jurisdiction.

SECTION 3.  That in all other respects than as is especially otherwise provided herein, this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 15, 1905.