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Acts of 1905 Chapter 399

SECTION 1.  That the lines of the Fourth Civil District of Henderson County be, and the same are hereby, changed, and that there is detached from the Third and Sixth Civil Districts of said county and attached to the Fourth Civil District that part of said Third and Sixth Civil Districts within the following boundaries:  Beginning at the corner of the Fourth Civil District on the Decatur and Henderson County lines, near Scott's Hill, runs north with the Decatur County line to James Jackson's farm and including the same; thence with Beacon and Scott's Hill Road to the Shady Hill and Decaturville Road, near Flat Creek; thence west with Shady Hill and Decaturville, Road to the Long and Scott's Hill Road, including the lands of J. O. Mitchell; thence south with said road, including the entire farm of Newton Holmes; thence west through the land between J. M. Barthelemew and W.W. Buck's lands, including the lands of W.W. Buck, to Cane Creek; thence southwest with the lines of the lands and including the lands of Dick Rushing, Will Cresser, Leonard White, Weed White, W.L. Laster, and Tom McCollum; thence in a northwest direction with a country road to a point on the Shady Hill and Reagan Road, near the home of I. B. Buck and including the lands of the said I. M. Buck; thence west, including the lands of Milton Buck, dec'd, to the Lexington and Saltillo Road; thence with lines of and including the lands of J. F. M. Neisler, D. F.Neisler; thence south with the lines of and including the lands of J. R. Dickey, W. C. Crissom, Mrs. Stinson, Frank Wilkinson, and Jim Wilkinson, to the Center Point and Lexington Road; thence with said road to the line of the Fourth District. 

SECTION 2.  That there be, and there is hereby, detached from the Second Civil District and attached to the First Civil District of Henderson County all that part of the Second Civil District lying north of a line running with the Lexington and Jackson Stage Road from the point where said road crosses the boundary line of the Second and Fifth Civil Districts; runs thence west with said Lexington and Jackson Road to a point where the Spring Creek Road intersects the same; thence with said Spring Creek Road through Juno------------, to the line of the First Civil District.

SECTION 3.  That all laws and parts of laws which are in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 12, 1905.