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Acts of 1817 Chapter 20

SEC. 1.  That from and after the passing of this act, the line hereinafter mentioned, shall be the dividing line between the counties of Anderson and Campbell, that is to say:  beginning on Clinch River, at the first bluff above the island for; thence with the dividing ridge between Cave and Cole Creek to Wallen's Ridge, and then with Wallen’s Ridge, to the line run by William Hogshead under the act of Eighteen Hundred and Eleven,  then with that line to New River, then down New River in the mouth of Smoky Creek, then to the dividing ridge which divides the waters of New River and Brimstone, so as to leave Smoky Creek in Anderson county, then with said dividing ridge to a point one half mile above the mouth of Brimstone, leaving the waters of New River in Campbell county, and the waters, of Brimstone in Anderson County; from thence north forty five degrees west to the Kentucky line; and that tract of country which lies north and east of the before described line shall compose and be a part of the county of Campbell.

SEC. 2.  That the County of Campbell, shall defray all expenses incident to the running said line, whenever the county court of Campbell shall deem the running necessary.  Provided, nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the proper officer of the county of Anderson from collecting any taxes that may be due in the tract of country hereby annexed to the county of Campbell.

September 24th, 1817.