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Acts of 1807 Chapter 51

SECTION 1.  That  from and after the passing of this act, the county of Anderson shall be comprehended within the following bounds, to wit:  Beginning on the Chestnut Ridge, where the Knox & Grainger county line formerly crossed the same; thence with the Grainger county line to the north bank of Clinch river; thence down the said river to the first bluff below the mouth of Cove creek; thence along the extreme height of the ridge, which divides the waters of Cove creek from those of Cole creek, to the top of Wallen's ridge; thence north forty five degrees west, to the point where it will intersect the former line of Anderson county, which runs south forty five degrees west; thence from that point, south forty five degrees west, to a point, from whence south forty five degrees east will strike Wallen’s ridge, one quarter of a mile above the gap of the Indian fork of Poplar creek; thence from said last mentioned point, south forty five degrees east to Wallen’s ridge, one quarter of a mile above the gap of the Indian fork of Poplar creek; thence to the double Springs, on the east side of said creek; thence a direct course to Clinch river, opposite the mouth of Hickory creek; thence up the lines of Knox county to the beginning.

SEC. 2.  That from and after the passing of this act, the county of Campbell shall be comprehended within the following bounds, to wit:  Beginning at the point where the lines of Anderson, which runs north forty five degrees west, will intersect the line of said county of Anderson, which runs south forty five degrees west; thence north forty five degrees east, to the northern boundary line of this state; thence east, with said northern boundary line, to a point on the same, from which, a line to be run at the angle of forty degrees southeast, will cross Powell's valley, at or near the house where James Devers formerly lived in said valley, leaving said house in Campbell county, not more than fifty poles; thence from said last mentioned point, south forty-five degrees east, crossing Powell's Valley at or near the house where James Devers formerly lived in said Valley, leaving said house in Campbell county, nor more than fifty poles to the line of Grainger county, on the north bank of Clinch river; thence down said river Clinch, to the Anderson county line, at the first bluff below the mouth of Cove creek; thence with the lines of Anderson county to the beginning.

SEC. 3.  That Jesse Roysden shall be, and hereby is appointed to run and cause to be distinctly marked, the line between said counties of Anderson and Campbell, who shall be allowed the sum of two dollars per day therefor, one half of which sum, shall be paid by the county of Anderson, and the other half by the county of Campbell; and that Joab Hill shall be, and he hereby is appointed to run and cause to be distinctly marked, the line which divides the counties of Claiborne and Campbell, who shall be allowed the sum of two dollars per day therefor; which shall be paid by the counties of Claiborne and Campbell, one half by each.

SEC. 4.  That each of said persons shall employ a person to mark said lines, and each of said markers shall be allowed for their service the sum of one dollar per day; which shall be paid by the said counties, in the same manner and in the same proportions, that said surveyors are directed to be paid.

SEC. 5.  That from and after the passing of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of that part of the county of Campbell, that was formerly Anderson, to hold their elections for governor, members to congress, members to the general assembly and electors to elect a president and vice president of the United States, and field officer of the militia of said county, at the place of holding court in said county; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county or his deputy, to attend the said elections and conduct the same, under the same rules and regulations as by law they are bound to do in other counties in this state in similar cases.

SEC. 6.  That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county, or his deputy, as the case may be, when the votes so taken, for the county of Anderson, to meet on Monday, immediately succeeding the said election, in Kingston, to compare the votes so taken, which shall be taken as a part of the election for Anderson county; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

  November 7, 1807.