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Acts of 1801 Chapter 49

SECTION 1. That the bounds of Wilson County shall be as follows, viz: Beginning on the south bank of Cumberland river, at the mouth of Drake's lick branch, it being the upper corner of Davidson County, running from thence up the said river, with the middle of the channel of the same, to Smith County line, thence south, twenty-three degrees east, along the said Smith line, to the Indian boundary line, thence westwardly with said Indian line, to Davidson County line, thence northwardly along said Davidson County line to the beginning.  

SECTION 2. That Christopher Cooper, Dr. Alanson Trigg, Matthew Figures, John Harpole, and John Doak, esquire, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, who, or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority, and are hereby authorized and empowered to fix on a place the most central and convenient in the aforesaid County of Wilson, and to purchase forty acres of land having special regard to good water, and situation for purpose of erecting a court house, prison and stocks thereon, and it shall be the duty of the Sheriff of said county, as soon as may be, to notify said commissioners to attend at the next succeeding court of said county after such notification, and the said commissioners shall give bond with sufficient security in the sum of five hundred dollars each, payable to the Chairman of the Court of said county, and his successors in office, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties enjoined on them by this act.  

SECTION 3. That the aforesaid commissioners or a majority of them, are hereby authorized and required as soon as may be, after agreeing on the place on which the courthouse, prison, and stocks shall be erected in the said County of Wilson, to agree and contract with suitable workmen to erect and build the same, for the use and benefit of said county, on the best terms which can be obtained for the accomplishment thereof.  

SECTION 4. That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, as soon as may be, after purchasing the aforesaid forty acres of land, shall take a deed or deeds of conveyance for the same, in their own names as commissioners, in trust for the county aforesaid, which shall be good and valid in law, and shall vest in them and their successors in office, a full and complete title for the uses in this act expressed, and they shall cause a town to be laid off thereon to be called and known by the name of Lebanon, for county purposes, reserving one acre near the center thereof, on which shall be erected the courthouse, prison, and stocks aforesaid, which one acre, in the plan of said town, shall be denominated the public square; and the commissioners shall sell the lots of said town at public sale, giving six months credit, and thirty days previous notice of such sale by advertising at four or more of the most public places in said county, taking bond with sufficient security for the payment of the purchase money, to themselves and their successors in office; and the same commissioners or a majority of them are hereby authorized to execute in due form of law, deeds of conveyance in fee simple for the same, to the purchasers which shall be good and valid in law to all intents and purposes.  

SECTION 5. That the monies arising from the sale of the aforesaid lots, shall be applied to the payment of the building of the aforesaid courthouse, prison and stocks; and the said commissioners are authorized to cause the said courthouse to contain two convenient jury rooms, and the prison to consist of two apartments at least.  

SECTION 6. That the court of said County of Wilson shall have power to lay a tax; provided, five of the acting justices of said county be present when the taxes are laid, which tax shall not exceed twelve and a half cents of each hundred acres of land, nor twenty-five cents on each town lot, nor slave between the age of twelve and fifty years, nor twelve and a half cents on each free poll between the age of twenty-one and fifty years, nor one dollar on each stud horse kept for covering mares, and not exceeding five dollars on each billboard table, the said tax to be continued from year to year until a sufficient sum be collected for the purposes aforesaid, to be collected and accounted for by the sheriff or collector of the aforesaid county, and paid to the said commissioners at the same time, and in the same manner, and under the like penalties and restrictions as are or may be directed, for collecting, accounting for, and paying public taxes, which said monies so arising shall be appropriated to carrying this act into effect.  

SECTION 7. That the commissioners aforesaid shall have full power to elect a suitable person or persons to fill any vacancies that may happen in their own body, by death, resignation, or otherwise.  

SECTION 8. That the commissioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, as soon as the said buildings are completed, shall lay before the court of said county, a fair and just statement of the costs and expenditures of said purchase and buildings, together with their disbursements and receipts, and they shall be allowed a reasonable compensation for their services by the said court; provided, that five of the acting justices of said county be present when such allowance is made.  

SECTION 9. That all laws or parts of laws that come within the purview and meaning of this act are hereby repealed and made void, any thing to the contrary notwithstanding.

Passed: November 13, 1801.