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Acts of 1801 Chapter 48

COMPILER'S NOTE: This Act annexed part of Wilson County to Smith County and then created Jackson County with those initial organization this Act is concerned. Section 1 gives the boundaries of the enlarged Smith County.

SECTION 1. That the bounds of Smith County shall be as follows, viz.: Beginning one mile due west of the southeast corner of Sumner County, on the south bank of Cumberland river, thence south, twenty-three degrees east, to the Indian boundary, thence along the same until it intersects the Caney Fork road thence along the dividing ridge between Martin's Creek and Flinn's Creek to the river, thence up the river one half mile above the ferry landing at Fork Blount, thence a due north course until it strikes the state line, thence west along the state line, to the corner of Sumner county, thence south along the Sumner line to the river, thence down the same to the beginning.

Passed: November 6, 1801.