COMPILER’S NOTE: The following act is a public act of special application and is not codified in Tennessee Code Annotated.
SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the bridge that spans Hardin Creek on U.S. Highway 64 in Wayne County approximately one-quarter (1/4) mile west of such highway’s junction with State Route 114 is hereby designated as the “Mae Tom and Judge Russ Davidson Memorial Bridge” as a lasting tribute to these two remarkable public servants and human beings.
SECTION 2. The Department of Transportation is directed to erect suitable signs or to affix suitable markers designating such bridge as the “Mae Tom and Judge Russ Davidson Memorial Bridge”.
SECTION 3. The erection of such directional signs shall be within the guidelines prescribed by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
SECTION 4. This act shall become operative only if the Federal Highway Administrator advises the Commissioner of Transportation in writing that the provisions of this act shall not render Tennessee in violation of federal laws and regulations and subject to penalties prescribed therein.
(1) This act shall become operative only if Wayne County, Tennessee, either remits the estimated cost of the erection of such signs to the Department of Transportation within one (1) year of the effective date of this act or manufacturers such signs in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (2). Wayne County shall make such payment prior to any expenditure by the state for manufacture or installation of such signs. The department shall return any unused portion of the estimated cost to Wayne County within thirty (30) days of the erection of such signs. If the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost, Wayne County shall remit an amount equal to the difference in such costs to the department within thirty (30) days of receiving an itemized invoice of the actual cost from the department.
(2) Wayne County may manufacture and erect such signs provided that such signs ;are manufactured and erected pursuant to state and federal guidelines and approved by the department.
SECTION 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2001, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: June 7, 2001.