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Public Acts of 1998 Chapter 652

SECTION 1.  Upon approval by a two-thirds vote of the County Legislative Body of each county to which this act may apply, the boundary line between the counties of Coffee and Franklin be, and the same is, hereby changed by deleting and detaching from the County of Franklin and attaching and including to the County of Coffee all of the hereinafter described property:

Beginning at a stake located in the north margin of Oak Park Drive 1145 feet in an easterly direction from the east margin of the Old Winchester Highway and running N 04 degrees 28 minutes E 205.3 feet to an iron pin, thence S 86 degrees 30 minutes E along the southerly margin of Lot No. 68 of said subdivision 202.0 feet to an iron pin; thence along the curvature of Oak Park Drive (if in a straight line) S 14 degrees 52 minutes E 109.2 feet to an iron pin; thence along the curvature of Oak Park Drive (if in a straight line) S 24 degrees 46 minutes W 110.0 feet to an iron pin located in the northerly margin of Oak Park Drive; thence N 86 degrees 15 minutes W along the north margin of Oak Park Drive 200.0 feet to an iron pin, same being the point of beginning.

SECTION 2.  Upon approval by a two thirds vote of the County Legislative Body of each county to which this act may apply, the boundary line between the counties of Coffee and Franklin be, and the same is, hereby changed by deleting and detaching from the County of Coffee and attaching and including in the County of Franklin all of the hereinafter described property:

Beginning at a post in the south margin of a public road known as Dean Shop Road (also known as Call’s Circle Road) at Weaver’s northeast corner; thence running with the southerly margin of said road South 84 degrees 09 minutes East 2,300 feet to a point where the southerly margin of Dean Shop Road intersects with the westerly margin of Landers Road; thence running with the westerly margin of Landers Road South 01 degree 21.5 minutes West 1,850 feet to a point; thence leaving the boundary of said road running North 84 degrees 09 minutes West 2,230 feet to a post; thence North 78 degrees 45.5 minutes West 461.03 feet to a post; thence North 05 degrees 4.5 minutes East 453.72 feet to a post; thence North 85 degrees 06 minutes West 594.85 feet to a post in the westerly margin of a pblic road; thence North 00 degrees 2.5 minutes East along the east margin of said road 1,210.18 feet to a stake in the south margin of Dean Shop Road; thence South 84 degrees 09 minutes East running with the southerly margin of the Dean Shop Road 1,050.36 feet to the point of beginning.

SECTION 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 11, 1998.