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Public Acts of 1993 Chapter 161

COMPILER'S NOTE:  This act is a special act of local application and is not found in Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1.  A property transfer between Franklin and Coffee Counties in the 8th Civil District shall be made so that the boundary line between such counties in the 8th Civil District is as follows:

BEGINNING at a point located in the existing line between Franklin and Coffee Counties, said point being located North 08 deg. 44 min. 45 sec. East 2,959.26 fee from AEDC marker #351.  Running thence North 08 deg. 44 min. 45 sec. East 210 feet to AEDC marker #352.  Running thence South 85 deg. 27 min. 19 sec. East and crossing AEDC access road and Tennessee Highway 127 and running through AEDC marker #353 2,900.27 feet to a point located in the easterly margin of Tennessee Highway 127.  Running thence with the easterly margin of Highway 127 South 35 deg. 26 min. 32 sec. West 1,908.76 feet to a point; thence South 28 deg. 26 min. West 878 feet to a point; South 27 deg. 27 min. West 949 feet to a point located at the intersection of Tennessee Highway 127 with New Brick Church Road.  Running thence with and along the northerly margin of New Brick Church Road South 82 deg. 54 min. East 2,140 feet to a point.  Thence South 86 deg. 21 min. East 782 feet to a point located in the existing line between Franklin and Coffee Counties, Tennessee.

SECTION 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 25, 1993.