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Public Acts of 1981 Chapter 268

COMPILER'S NOTE: This Act is a special legislation that does not appear in Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1. The boundary line between the counties of Trousdale and Wilson is hereby changed by detaching from the county of Wilson and attaching to the county of Trousdale, all of the hereinafter described territory, to-wit:

The tracts or parcels as shown in Wilson County Tax Map No. 19 as being Parcel #20 which consists of 13 acres and Parcel #21 which consists of 40 acres. Such parcels begin at the point of intersection of the Trousdale County-Wilson County line and the westerly margin of that road shown on Wilson County Tax Map No. 19 as Bellwood Road and thence proceeding southerly along the westerly margin of the said Bellwood Road to a point in the said Parcel #21 and Parcel #22 on the said tax map and thence in an easterly direction along the boundary between Parcel #21 and Parcel #22 to the point of intersection of the said boundary line with the presently existing Wilson County-Trousdale County boundary line.

SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 27, 1981.