COMPILER'S NOTE: The following act is a public act of special application and is not codified in Tennessee Code Annotated.
SECTION 1. The boundary between McNairy County and Chester County is changed by detaching from the 17th Civil District of McNairy County and attaching to the 12th Civil District of Chester County certain lands belonging to Kenneth Essary, so that these lands will be located entirely within Chester County. The lands to be included within Chester County consist of two (2) tracts described as follows:
Tract No. 1.
Beginning at a stake, black jack, post oak pointers on the northeast corner of the H. H. Davidson land, at a point 22 poles west of the northwest corner of Entry No. 2487 in the name of Wm. S. Wisdom; runs thence south 276 poles to a red oak and white oak pointers, being the southeast corner of Monroe Smith land and the southwest corner of the tract herein described; runs thence east 142 poles to a stake at the southwest corner of the Ral Deaton land; runs thence north 292 poles to the southeast corner of the Sol Colston tract of land; runs thence west 51 poles to a stake; thence south 16 poles to a stake, thence west 91 poles to the point of beginning, containing 250 acres, be the same more or less, but subject to legal highways.
Being the same land conveyed to M. V. Davidson by deed from W. B. Maness et al, dated 3/19/01, of record in Volume 7, page 479; and by deed from John Clayton et al, dated 4/1/10 of record in Volume 7, page 481; in the Register's office of McNairy County, Tennessee. And by deed from W. B. Maness et al, dated 9/29/09, recorded in Vol. 7, Page 477, McNairy County, Tenn.
Tract No. 2.
Lying and being in McNairy County, State of Tennessee, and bounded as follows: in the 17th District beginning at a stake in the Bolivar road at Sol Colston's northeast corner, runs south 15 poles to a stake, then north 85 degrees east 137 poles to a stake black oak pointers; then north 35 poles to a stake on McKenzie line, then west 74 poles to a stake then north 45 degrees west 88 poles to a stake; then north 70 degrees west 40 poles to a stake with black jack and cherry pointers; then south 51 poles to a big pine; then south 18 degrees east 58 poles to a stake in the old Bolivar road; then east 14 poles to the beginning containing by estimation 66.45 acres more or less, but subject to legal highways.
Being the same land conveyed to M.V. Davidson by deed from H. L. Clayton and wife, dated 11/27/28 of record in Volume 21, page 555 in the Register's office of McNairy County, Tennessee. And by deed from E. T. Griswell et al, dated, Nov. , 1914, recorded in Vol. 13, page 233, McNairy County, Tenn.
COMPILER'S NOTE: The blank date in the immediately preceding paragraph appears in the original act.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: May 11, 1977