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Public Acts of 1977 Chapter 308

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The following act is a public act of special application and is not codified in Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1.  The boundary line between McNairy County and Chester County is changed so as to place certain lands of Billy N. Latham and his wife, Shelia Ann Latham, now located in the 17th Civil District of McNairy County in the 12th Civil District of Chester County.  The boundary line shall be changed to include entirely within Chester County the following tract:

BEGINNING on a stake on north side of old roadway Hickory-post oak pointers, this point being the southwest corner of Essary tract and in north boundary line of Roger Whitten tract; runs thence with Whitten and Holmes north boundary line north 89 degrees 15 minutes west 2028.00 feet to point in center of Friendship blacktop road; thence point being the northwest corner of Holmes tract; runs thence with center blacktop road as follows:  North 17 degrees 20 minutes west 195.00 feet; north 29 degrees 34 minutes west 275.00 feet; north 44 degrees 34 minutes west 100.00 feet to a point in center blacktop road, this point being in the center of the intersection of gravel road with blacktop road; runs thence with center of gravel road as follows:  North 81 degrees 17 minutes east 100.00 feet; north 54 degrees 15 minutes east 200.00 feet; north 60 degrees 00 minutes east 68.40 feet; north 73 degrees 52 minutes east 100.00 feet; north 86 degrees 58 minutes east 340.00 feet to point in center of gravel road; runs then east 1535.00 feet to stake, white oak, sweet gun [sic], black gum pointers in west boundary line of Essary tract, this point being the southeast corner of Amo Smith tract; runs thence with west boundary line of Essary tract south 736.00 feet to point of beginning, containing 34.00 acres more or less, excluding 25 feet in width for road right-of-way.

Being a portion of the same property conveyed to Charles E. Whitten and wife, Shirley W. Whitten, by deed from Pauline S. Jordan and Jo Virginia Harvey, dated the 2nd day of August, 1972, and of record in Deed Book 58, Page 209 in the Register's Office of Chester County, Tennessee.

SECTION 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  May 11, 1977.