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Public Acts of 1975 Chapter 224

COMPILER'S NOTE: The following act is a public act of special application and is not codified in Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1. Additions to school buildings built before 1955 which embrace grades 1-8 or any combination of those grades shall be approved by the Commissioner of Education if the plans and specifications for any such proposed addition meet the minimum standards established by the State Board of Education for the construction, remodeling or renovation of school buildings, notwithstanding the fact that regular classrooms in such school buildings built before 1955 do not contain the number of net square feet prescribed by such minimum standards. The provisions of this Act shall apply only in those counties having a population of not less than 59,400 nor more than 59,500 and not less than 12,500 nor more than 12,550, according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census.

SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: May 12, 1975.