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Public Acts of 1974 Chapter 754

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The following act is a public act of special application and is not codified in Tennessee Code Annotated.

WHEREAS, there are no public recreational access areas on the Cumberland River where it flows through urban northwest Nashville; and

WHEREAS, the United States Army Corps of Engineers is able to participate on a cost-sharing basis in the construction of a boat launching and recreational facility on the Cumberland River; and

WHEREAS, the land area on either side of Glade Branch where it flows into the Cumberland River is owned by the state of Tennessee, and administered by the Department of Correction; now, therefore,

SECTION 1.  The Commissioner of the Department of Corrections shall transfer and convey to the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County or to the United States Government for the use and benefit of the Secretary of the Army, Corps of Engineers, any and all interest, including any reversionary interest, held by the State of Tennessee in and to certain tract or parcel of land of approximately fifty (50) acres lying and being situated on the Cumberland River and formerly constituting a part of the state penitentiary property, the same being more particularly described as follows:

"Bounded on the east by the property of the Tennessee Tufting Company; bounded on the west by the property of the State of Tennessee; bounded on the north by the site of a proposed Cockrell Bend industrial road subject to survey; and bounded on the south by the Cumberland River."

Said conveyance shall be for the purpose of establishing a recreational facility as set out above.

SECTION 2.  This Act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 28, 1974.