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Public Acts of 1974 Chapter 518

COMPILER' S NOTE:  The following act is a public act of special application and is not codified in Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1.  The boundary line between Maury and Giles Counties is changed by detaching from Giles County and attaching to Maury County the following described tract of land:

Beginning at a point in the west margin of the Mt. Pleasant -  Campbellsville Road (Campbellsville Pike) where the present Maury & Giles County line crosses said road, thence in a southerly direction with the west margin of said road (pike) to the southeast corner of the fifteen (15) acre trace (sic) of land conveyed to Orville Mangrum and wife, Bertha Mae Mangrum, by deed of record in Book 533, page 195 of the Register's Office of Maury County, Tennessee; thence with the south boundary line of said Orville Mangrum's and Bertha Mae Mangrum's said 15 acre tract to Waldrop's east boundary line; thence with said Waldrop's line to the original county line, between Maury and Giles Counties so as to include all of said 15 acre tract in Maury County.  Said County line being changed to whatever extent is necessary to place all of said 15 acre tract in Maury County.

SECTION 2.  This Act shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 11, 1974.