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Public Acts of 1974 Chapter 421

COMPILER'S NOTE: The following act is a public act of special application and is not codified in Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1.  The boundary line between the counties of Pickett and Clay is hereby changed by detaching from the county of Clay, and attaching to the county of Pickett, all of the hereinafter described territory, to-wit:

A tract or parcel of land now lying in the 4th Civil District of Clay County adjacent to the existing line between Clay-Pickett County line, and beginning at the corner of tract D-81 in the division property line of G-404A; thence, north 86 degrees, 30 minutes West 920 feet; thence, north 13 degrees, 45 minutes West, 1225 feet; thence, north 38 degrees, 00 minutes East, 920 feet; thence, north 69 degrees, 15 minutes East, 335 feet; thence, north 14 degrees, 30 minutes West for 490 feet; thence north 56 degrees, 30 minutes East for 660 feet; thence, north 67 degrees, 30 minutes East for 80 feet, to the Pickett-Clay County line, south to the point of the beginning; containing approximately 48 number of acres.

SECTION 2.  This act shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  January 28, 1974.