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Public Acts of 1967 Chapter 258

COMPILER'S NOTE: The following act is a public act of special application and is not codified in Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1. In counties of the first class as defined in Tennessee Code Annotated Section 8-2402 [8-24-101] and utilizing a commission form of government, the compensation of each County Commissioner, for their full term of office, or of each officer succeeding to the powers and fulfilling the duties of a County Commissioner shall be not less than the maximum annual compensation paid the County Court Clerk as provided in Tennessee Code Annotated Section 8- 2403 [8-24-102], but any such county may by Private Act provide for annual compensation in a larger amount. Provided further, that in each county coming within the provisions of this Act the annual compensation of each such Commissioner or successor shall be equal to that of each of the other Commissioners or successors.

As amended by: Public Acts of 1971, Chapter 281
  Public Acts of 1972, Chapter 788
  Public Acts of 1975, Chapter 289

SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect July 1, 1967, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: May 22, 1967.