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Public Acts of 1967 Chapter 134

COMPILER'S NOTE: The following act is a public act of special application and is not codified in Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1. That the Circuit Judge and the Criminal Court Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit of the State of Tennessee shall each be and are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a secretary to perform such secretarial duties as may be assigned by such judge and who shall serve at the will of such judge. Each such secretary shall receive compensation to be fixed by each respective judge at a salary not to exceed Thirty-six Hundred Dollars ($3,600.00) per year to be paid monthly out of the state treasury upon a warrant issued therefor and upon certificate of the Circuit Judge and the Criminal Judge that the duties of such secretaries have been faithfully performed; and upon certificates of said Judges fixing the salaries of said secretaries within the limits prescribed herein. Said certificates to be made to the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court or to the Director of Accounts.

SECTION 2. That each of the secretaries appointed under this Act will, before assuming his or her duties as such, take an oath to discharge the duties required by the Circuit Judge and the Judge of the Criminal Court of said Circuit, honestly and faithfully. Such secretary shall prepare judgments, decrees and orders, take charges, and do any and all stenographic, and secretarial work assigned by the judges of said Circuit.

SECTION 3. That Chapter 156 of the Public Acts of 1939 as amended by Chapter 180 of the Public Acts of 1959 and as amended by Chapter 242 of the Public Acts of 1963 is hereby repealed.

SECTION 4. That this Act shall take effect from and after July 1, 1967, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 25, 1967.