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Public Acts of 1899 Chapter 264

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Hickman and Lewis be, and the same is hereby, changed as follows: Beginning at a stake in the line as now established on the south side of Cane creek, at what its [sic] is known as Jenkins' ford, and on the south side of DePriest's branch and the public road, runs thence N. 82 degrees east 140 poles to a stake; thence N. 75 degrees east 36 poles to A. J. DePriest's line; thence with his south boundary line to a black walnut stump near the south side of the road; thence with the south boundary of A. J. Brown's land to A. J. DePriest's other tract of land; thence with his south boundary line to his corner; thence with J.D. Brown's south boundary line to a black walnut on the south said of the south side of the Centreville road, thence N. 65 degrees east 32 poles, to a stooping black oak with white oak pointers; thence N. 41 degrees east 80 poles to a stake with hickory pointers; thence N. 31 degrees east 134 poles to a small black gum in the Hickman and Lewis county line, near Joseph Horner's house.

SECTION 2. That this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 15, 1899.