SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Hawkins and Hancock be so changed as to include all the lands of C.C. Brewer, George Lea, and S.L. Winstead, which now lie in Hancock County, in the county of Hawkins.
SEC. 2. That said line be so changed as to take the following boundary of land, being about forty acres from Hawkins County, and attaching the same to Hancock County, to wit: Beginning in the Virginia and Tennessee State Line, in the Bock Valley at the last foot of Clinch Mountain, on a marked white oak, in said State Line, thence south 60º west forty poles to a stake, thence due west to the top of Clinch Mountain, and thence northeastwardly with the top of said mountain to said State line, and being all the land embraced between this line and the State line between Tennessee and Virginia.
SEC. 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 30, 1889.