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Public Acts of 1879 Chapter 178

SECTION 1.  That the line between the Counties of Coffee and Franklin, be so changed as to detach from Franklin and attach to Coffee, the territory included in the following boundaries, to-wit:  Beginning on a post-oak on the north side of the Tullahoma and Hillsboro Road, at the point at which the present line between the Counties of Coffee and Franklin, crosses the south boundary line of the lands of A. Kocsis; thence east with the south boundary line of A. Kocsis and others, to the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad; thence east to the southeast corner of Travis' lands, leaving Travis in Franklin County; thence with Travis' east and north line, west of Blue Creek, thence up Blue Creek (including) the lands of David Hart, in Coffee County, to the Lynchburg & Tullahoma Road;  thence with said road to the Moore County Line; thence north and east with the Moore County Line; thence north and east with the Moore and Bedford County Line, to the Line of Coffee County; Provided, that the parties so detached from Franklin and attached to Coffee County, shall pay their taxes of 1878, to the Trustee of Franklin County.

SECTION 2.  That the said citizens so detached from Franklin County, be attached to the 13th Civil District of Coffee County.

SECTION 3.  That all laws and parts of laws, in conflict with this Act, be and the same is hereby repealed.

SECTION 4.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 24, 1879.