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Public Acts of 1879 Chapter 178

SECTION 1.  That the line between the Counties of Coffee and Franklin, be to changed as to detach from Franklin and attach to Coffee, the territory included in the following boundaries, to-wit:  Beginning at a stone, with pointers in the west boundary line of a 1,200-acre tract granted in name of R. Sharp (now owned by Kirkpatrick, and leaving Kirkpatrick in Franklin county), just north of the three water holes (about 15 poles); thence south with the line of said grant 311 poles to the Lanier line; thence west with said line 23 poles; thence north 50 poles; thence west 216 poles to the east boundary line of the Joab Short 500-acre grant; thence north with the east boundary line of said grant (about 120 poles) to the southerly boundary line of the old 695 acre Kocsis survey; thence with the southerly boundary of said Kocsis' survey (about 500 poles) to the right of way of the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway at a point (about 52 poles) south of the Anderson (now Dundas) tract; thence across said railroad; thence to the southeast corner of the Travis lands; thence running with the Travis east, north and west lines (leaving Travis in Franklin county) and on to the southeast corner of the Martin lands; thence with Martin's south boundary line and on to the southeast corner of the David Hart lands (now M. Wilson); thence with the south boundary of the Hart lands to the road; thence with the road to Hastings' southeast corner (about 35 poles); thence to the southeast corner  of the Crane Oak View tract and the old Thomas line to the Moore county line; thence with the Moore county line and Bedford county line to the line of Coffee county.  Provided, That so much of the Hasting, Crane and Thomas tracts as are assessed in Franklin shall pay taxes to the trustee of Franklin county for the year 1899.

As amended by: Public Acts of 1899, Chapter 245

SECTION 2.  That the said citizens so detached from Franklin County, be attached to the 13th Civil District of Coffee County.

SECTION 3.  That all laws and parts of laws, in conflict with this Act, be and the same is hereby repealed.

SECTION 4.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 24, 1879.