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Public Acts of 1879 Chapter 119

SECTION 1.  That the County line between Blount and Sevier Counties be changed as follows:

Beginning on the Blount and Sevier County line, near Millstone Gap in Bluff Mountain; thence a direct line to Shook's Gap, in Bays' Mountain; thence with the top of said Mountain, to the Sevier County line.

SEC. 2.  That the County Surveyors of the Counties of Blount and Sevier, together with J. R. Chandler and E. S. Thompson, of Sevier County, and Hugh Cox and Andrew McTerr, of Blount County, are hereby appointed Commissioners to run and mark said County line.

SEC. 3.  That said Commissioners shall take an oath, before some Justice of the Peace, that they will faithfully, honestly and impartially perform the duties of said Commission; and they shall perform the duties above designated within six months after the passage of this Act.

SEC. 4.  That said Commissioners shall make two plats of the survey, and shall accompany them with such report as may be necessary to explain said survey; and said plats of survey shall be signed by the Commissioners, and one copy filed in the Register's office of each County of Blount and Sevier, which shall be registered by the respective Registers thereof.

SEC. 5.  That the Commissioners shall mark the line on such standing timber, with such fore and aft marks and side lines as they may deem necessary to make said line plainly known; and said County Surveyors shall be paid the sum of three dollars per day--while they are employed at said service, to be paid by their respective Counties.

SEC. 6.  That the fractions of either of the above named Counties that may be added to the other County by the change of the County line as above provided for, shall continue to be liable for their pro rata of all debts contracted by their respective counties prior to said change, and shall be entitled to their proportion of any stock or credits belonging to the county from which said fractions are taken.

Passed:  March 14, 1879.