SECTION 1. That the county line between the counties of Hancock and Hawkins be changed as follows: beginning in the line of said counties on the top of the Middle Ridge; thence eastwardly along on the top of said ridge to the pike road; thence with said road and the line of Wm. J. Davis’ farm to the top of War Ridge; thence along on the top of said ridge eastwardly to John Curry’s east corner on said ridge; and thence northwardly and eastwardly with said Curry’s line to the Hancock and Hawkins line; and all the parts of farms of Wm. J. Davis, Robt. D. Green, Wm. D. Trent, and John Curry, lying on the north and west of this line be included in and constitute a portion of Hancock county, the written assent of the parties by petition having been made to this General Assembly.
SECTION 2. That this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 23, 1877.