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Public Acts of 1873 Chapter 76

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 1, 3, and 4 of this act have been omitted since it does not involve Overton County.

SEC. 2. That the line between the Counties of Putnam and Overton be changed; commencing on the north boundary line of Putnam, known as Thom Gap, running thence west with the old Thom Gap road to Spring Creek, near the old Holford farm, and just below the bridge on said Creek; thence down Spring Creek to where the Overton and Jackson County line crosses said Creek; thence southwardly with the line of Jackson and Overton Counties to the northern boundary line of Putnam; and that the boundary lying south of the above named line be attached to Putnam County; Provided, This change shall not reduce Overton County below the limits of the Constitution.

Passed: March 22, 1873.