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Public Acts of 1871 Chapter 14

SECTION 1. That the County Line between the Counties of Scott and Fentress be changed as follows: Beginning in the Scott and Fentress County line, on the north bank of the Clear Fork, at the mouth of "Caney Branch," and about two hundred poles above where J. M. Shoemaker formerly lived; thence north 45E west twenty-one miles to the extreme top of the mountain north of Rock Creek; thence along the top of said mountain north of the Scott and Fentress County line including John Draughn, Elswich Thompson, C. Blevins, Daniel Blevins, George Smith, Lewis Burk, Harmon Burk and Samuel Smith in Scott County.

SECTION 2. That nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to include any liners in Scott County except those mentioned in the preceding Section.

SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  October 26, 1871.