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Public Acts of 1871 Chapter 118

WHEREAS, An Act was passed by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee on the 23d day of January, 1871, entitled, "An Act to change the line between the counties of Campbell and Scott, and

WHEREAS, by said change several voters were detached from the county of Scott and attached to the county of Campbell, contrary to the wishes and interest of said voters, and

WHEREAS,  It has been clearly shown by petition and sworn testimony that it is the desire of all of said voters to be added to the county of Scott.  Therefore,

SECTION 1.  That the county line between the counties of Scott and Campbell be changed as follows, to-wit:  Beginning on the top of Fork Ridge in the Scott and Campbell county line, where James Criscillis and Hiram Tranmmell's lands join; thence with their dividing line, crossing Capuchin Fork of Jellies to the top of the ridge dividing the water of Capuchin and Trammell's Fork; thence with the top of said last named ridge westwardly to the Scott and Campbell county line, including all of James Blankenship's lands in Scott county:  Provided, however, that nothing in this Act shall be so construed as in any way to effect the farms of Danswell Trammell, James Smith, John Lay, David Baird, and Joseph Baird, who with their said farms are hereby declared to belong to the county of Campbell.

SEC. 2.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed  December 13, 1871.