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Public Acts of 1870 Chapter 29

SECTION 1. That a new county be and the same is hereby established, to be composed of portions taken from the northern portion of Jackson and Overton Counties, to be known and designated by the name of County of Clay, and shall be bounded as hereinafter provided.

SEC. 2. That the general boundaries of said county shall be as follows, towit: Beginning at the common corner of Jackson and Overton Counties, upon the State line between Kentucky and Tennessee, running thence with said line east to a point in said line on the northern boundary of Overton County, to be fixed by the Commissioners to be hereafter designated in this act; thence south or southwest to a point in Overton County, to be also fixed and established by the said Commissioners; thence in a westerly direction through Overton and Jackson counties to a point to be fixed by the Commissioners; thence north with said line to the State line; thence east with said line to the beginning; Provided, That no line of said new county shall approach the Court-houses of Jackson and Overton Counties nearer than ten miles in a direct line from the same.

COMPILER'S NOTE: The remainder of this act did not apply to Overton County and therefore, is not included herein.

Passed: June 16, 1870.