SEC. 2. That the lines between the counties of Union and Claiborne, be so changed as to include, in Union County, all the territory south of the following lines, viz: Beginning at a point above Silas Williams', on the north bank of Powell River, where the Union County line crosses the said Powell River; then running a north-westerly course, to the head of Long Branch, so as to include James Smith's and William M. Wright's lands in Union County; then running a westerly course to the north-west corner of Elisar Ellison's field, to the Campbell County line; then with the Campbell County line to Powell River.
SEC. 8. That the line between Claiborne and Grainger counties be so changed as to include in Claiborne county that part of the lands of George W. Johnson and Isaac West, lying in the bend of Clinch river (known as Grisom's Island), Eleventh Civil District of Grainger county; and that said addition to Claiborne county shall be a part and parcel of the Seventh Civil District of Claiborne county.
COMPILER'S NOTE: All other sections in this act did not concern Claiborne County and therefore, are not included herein.
Passed: February 28, 1870.