COMPILER’S NOTE: Sections 1 and 2 of this act did not affect Monroe County and therefore have been omitted.
SEC. 3. That all the Territory included in the lines hereafter mentioned shall constitute a county by the name of Monroe county.
SEC. 4. That the said county of Monroe shall be bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at the beginning of McMinn county; thence running eastwardly with the line of Roane county to the Tennessee river; thence up said river to the mouth of Cowee and Nanteyallee; thence with the dividing ridge between said rivers to the eastern boundary line of this state; thence south with the said line to the line dividing this state from the state of Georgia; thence west to the county of McMinn; thence with the said county to the beginning.
SEC. 5. That for the administration of justice, the courts of Pleas and Quarter sessions and the circuit courts in said counties shall be held at the following places, to wit: For the county of McMinn, at the house of Major John Walker, and for the county of Monroe, at the house of William Dixon, on the south bank of Little Tennessee opposite the town of Morganton, at which places the said courts shall be holden until otherwise provided for by law, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions, and shall exercise the same power and jurisdiction that is possessed by said courts, in other counties of this State.
SEC. 6. That the Sheriffs of the counties of Monroe and McMinn, shall each hold an election at the places appointed for holding courts in said counties on the first Friday and Saturday in May next, for the purpose of electing field officers of the Militia for said counties, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions, as are prescribed by law in similar cases; and the militia of the county of Monroe shall compose the sixty sixth regiment, and shall be attached to the seventh brigade; and the militia of the county of McMinn shall compose the sixty seventh regiment, and be attached as aforesaid.
SEC. 7. That it shall be the duty of the commandants of the said sixty sixth, and sixty seventh regiments, having first been commissioned and sworn according to law, to divide their regiments into such number of companies as they shall think best for the convenience of said companies; and it shall be the duty of each of said commandants, to issue writs of election for company officers according to law.
SEC. 8. That said county of Monroe shall be attached to the election district of the County of Blount, and to be governed by the same rules and regulations as other elections are held in Blount County, and the Sheriff of Monroe County shall make return of the votes of his county for electors to elect a president and vice president, governor, members to Congress and members to the State Legislature, to the sheriff of Blount County, under the same rules, and regulations as for other counties; and that said County of McMinn shall be attached to the election district of the County of Rhea under the same rules and regulations as govern the Counties of Monroe and Blount.
SEC. 9. That it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace for Blount County, to attend at the first court for said county of Monroe; and any Justice of the Peace for Rhea County may attend the first court in the county of McMinn for the purpose of administering the necessary oaths to the Justices of said court.
Passed: November 18, 1819.